
Lectures on Emerson.

The Department of Philosophy has arranged, in observance of the centennial of the birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson '21, four memorial lectures and a reading from his works. These lectures and the reading will be open to the public, and will be given in the New Lecture Hall at 8 o'clock on four evenings beginning next Monday.

On Monday evening Professor Munsterberg will lecture on "Emerson as a Philosopher." On Wednesday evening, May 20, Mr. Copeland will read various selections from the prose and poetry of Emerson. On the following Friday evening, May 22, Assistant Professor Santayana will lecture on "Emerson as a Poet"; and on Monday evening, May 25, Dr. D. S. Miller will lecture on "Emerson as an American." The evening service in Appleton Chapel on Sunday, May 24, will be conducted by Professor F. C. Peabody, who will speak on "Emerson as a Religious Teacher."
