

Game in Philadelphia.--Team Plays Crescent Athletic Club Tomorrow.

The University lacrosse team left for New York by the Fall River boat yesterday afternoon, and will go to Philadelphia this morning. This afternoon the team will play the University of Pennsylvania on Franklin Field. After spending the night at the Bingham Hotel in Philadelphia, the team will go to New York, and tomorrow afternoon will play the Crescent Athletic Club team at Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. The men will be the guests of the Crescent Athletic Club till Sunday morning, when they will return to Cambridge.

The team as a whole has shown general improvement after a hard week's practice and the men are all in good physical condition. The chief fault of the defense, which has been greatly strengthened during the last few days, is the tendency to wait too long before blocking an opponent's advance. In the use of their bodies, also, the men are still slow. Although the attack is fairly strong, there is still a decided lack of team-work. The passing, though inaccurate at times, has greatly improved and is now fairly fast. Mr. J. A. Leighton of Hobart College, R. Wynne '02M., a member of last year's team, and Mr. H. McConaghy, of the Crescent Athletic Club of New York, have had charge of the coaching.

The University team defeated the College of the City of New York, last Saturday, by the score of 6 goals to 2, and the University of Pennsylvania has defeated the same team by the score of 3 goals to 0. It is difficult to judge from these scores of the relative merit of the Harvard and Pennsylvania teams. Last year Harvard defeated Pennsylvania by the score of 5 to 1.

The probable line-up of the teams for the game today will be: HARVARD.  PENNSYLVANIA. Tomlinson, g.  g., O. Briner Smith or Phillips, p.  p., Rutherford Lehmann, c.p.  c.p., Thomas Hanavan, 1d.  1d., Corson Kibbey, 2d.  2d., Goldsmith Rice, 3d.  3d., R. Briner Bennett, c.  c., Miller Penhallow, 3a.  3a., Evans Parson, 2a.  2a., Oliver Blaxter, 1a.  1a., Neilman Michell, o.h.  o.h., Ivy K. K. Smith, i.h.  i.h., Sessler

As the Crescent Athletic Club has a well-developed team, on which are a number of exceptionally able players, the game on Saturday will probably be a hard one. Last Saturday the Athletic Club team defeated Johns Hopkins, which is considered to be very strong, by the score of 9 to 3. The Athletic Club defeated Harvard last year by the score of 10 to 8.
