The Social Service Committee will conduct an excursion to the House of Correction at Deer Island on the afternoon of May 15. The party will start from Phillips Brooks House at 1.30 o'clock. The steamer "J. Putnam Bradlee," which the Penal Institutions Commissioner has offered for the use of the party, will leave Eastern Avenue Wharf, north side of South Ferry, at 2.15 o'clock, and, returning, will arrive about 5 o'clock. The excursion will be open to members of the University.
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Social Service Excursion.The Social Service Committee will conduct an excursion to the House of Correction at Deer Island this afternoon. The party
Nat. Hist. VI.Excursion to Nahant to-day, (Saturday). 10 o'clock train from Eastern R. R. Station.
Official Notice.FRENCH 7.- The second theme for this month is due on Tuesday next and not today, Saturday. F. C. DE
FACT AND RUMOR.Founder's Day at Vassar will be May 4. There will be no recitation today in Greek 3. Ground has been
Annual Senior Picnic Next TuesdayThe Senior Class will hold its annual picnic next Tuesday at Paddock's Island in Boston Harbor. At 7.30 o'clock the