
Lacrosse Team Defeats New York

The University lacrosse team defeated the College of the City of New York last Saturday in an uninteresting game by the score of 6 goals to 2. On the defense the men were still slow in covering their opponents and allowed themselves to be drawn out too far. Owing to the poor stick-work and shooting of the attack, several opportunities to score against the weak defense of the New York College team were lost. Although the passing was still inaccurate, the men show improvement and are learning to handle their sticks better. Individually K. K. Smith played the best game for the University.

The line-up was as follows: HARVARD.  N. Y. COLLEGE. Tomlinson, g.  g., Stewart Phillips, p.  p., Bogler Hanavan, c.p.  c.p., Rae E. Smith, 1d.  1d., Salzer Kibbey, 2d.  2d., Johannsen Rice, 3d.  3d., Stark Bennett, c.  c., Norman Penhallow, 3a.,  3a., Kegelman Parson, 2a.  2a., E. Donahue Blaxter, 1a.  1a., Clarke Michell, o.h.  o.h., R. Donahue K. K. Smith, i.h.  i.h., Adams

Goals scored: by K. K. Smith 3, Michell, Penhallow, Blaxter, Adams, E. Donahue.
