
Interclass Tennis.

The interclass tennis matches on Saturday resulted as follows:

1903--Birckhead defeated Gilkey for the class championship, 6-2, 6-4, 8-6.

1904--Hunt defeated Estes, 6-2, 6-2; and Green, 6-1, 6-3.

1905--Prentice defeated de Rham, 6-4, 6-8, 6-2.

1906--Whitman defeated Boggs, 6-1, 6-0; Smither defeated Cross, 6-5, 6-1.


Matches to be played today are as follows:

1904--Bramwell vs. Blagden at 3.

1905--Prentice vs. Larned at 3, for the class championship.

1906--Whitman vs. Smither at 4.15, for the class championship.

Attention is again called to the rule that in the final round matches are for the best three out of five sets, and that dence and advantage sets must be played.
