
Funeral of Professor H. B. Hill.

The funeral of Professor Henry Barker Hill '69, Director of the Chemical Laboratory, was held in Appleton chapel yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. James Eells, of the first congregational Church of Boston, conducted the services, and the University choir sang the following: Choral, Bach; Anthem, "They are in Peace," Foster; Solo, "I heard a Voice in Heaven;" Hymn, "O God Our Help in Ages Past," Watts. The pallbearers were Dean Le B. R. Briggs, Professor C. L. Jackson, Hon. J. J. Myers, Professor J. K. Paine, Professor C. R. Sanger. Professor T. W. Richards, Rev. R. S. Morrison, Mr. E. L. Burlinghame, Mr. W. F. Apthrop, and Professor L. P. Kinnicut.

The interment was in Mt. Feake Cemetery.
