
Models and Plans of Stadium

A full-sized model in cross section of the proposed design for the new stadium has been built on the north stand on Soldiers Field. The model includes only the part designed for seats and does not represent the proposed covered promenade along the top of the stadium in back of the seats. It is executed in wood and is intended to test the angles, height and general appearance of the proposed design.

The small experimental stand of steel-concrete erected beside the east stand on the baseball field in January of last year has stood the test satisfactorily and a similar material will probably be used in the stadium.

The plans are being designed by Professor L. J. Johnson of the Division of Engineering in co-operation with Professor Hollis, and with the assistance of Mr. J. R. Worcester '82 of Boston, as consulting engineer, and of Mr. Charles F. McKim h.'90, of McKim, Meade & white, as consulting architect.

The plans of the stadium are being made the subject of careful study and special investigation because of the unusual character and magnitude of the structure. Several sets of preliminary plans have already been made and it is hoped to have the final plans completed this spring.
