
Boylston Prize Speaking Contest.

The preliminary trial to select the speakers to compete in the final contest for the Boylston Prizes in elocution will be held in Sanders Theatre, on Wednesday morning, May 6, at 9 o'clock. Professor G. P. Baker, Professor J. H. Ropes and a third person to be selected later will act as judges at this trial, from which ten or twelve men all be retained to speak at the final contest, which will be held in Sanders Theatre on Thursday, May 14. The list of the competitors will be made public next Monday or Tuesday.

All selections must be under five minutes in length and must be approved by professor A. S. Hill, who will be in Sever 2 today at 12 o'clock for that purpose. The names of the competitors should be handed in at this time. No selection will be accepted, which has been used in a final trial within the last three years. Five prizes will be awarded; two first of $60 each and three second of $40 each.
