All applications for College rooms for 1903-1904 must be received at the Bursar's office in Dane Hall by 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 2. Application blanks, with detailed information of the rooms to be assigned, may be had of the Bursar. The assignment of rooms will be made by lot on May 4, and the result of the allotment will be posted on the bulletin board of Dane Hall on May 5.
Students who receive no College room by the regular allotment, but who wish to obtain rooms which may be unengaged May 9, or which may become vacant at any time after that date may file application at the Bursar's office after May 4. These applications should specify the conditions as to buildings, floors, exposure, rent, etc., and should contain agreements to take any room fulfilling the given conditions, assigned to the applicant. These applications will remain in force until such dates as the applicants may specify therein.
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