
$12,000 for Emerson Hall Fund.

A gift of $12,000 from Andrew Carnegie has just been added to the fund for building Emerson Hall, the new philosophical building, the corner stone of which the University hopes to be able to lay on May 25, the centennial anniversary of the birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson '21. This gift, which was made through Professor Munsterberg, of the Philosophical Department, brings the total amount now subscribed for the building up to about $140,000. This is only $10,000 less than the sum required by the Corporation before the corner stone can be laid.

It is expected that $200,000 will be required for completion of the building, but the limit of $150,000 was set by the Corporation so that work would not be begun on the building until enough money was in sight to see it practically completed. Of the $140,000 thus far contributed, $60,000 was pledged upon the condition that the fund be raised to $150,000 by May 25. The site of the building will be where Professor Shaler's house now stands in the Yard next to Quincy street. It will face Robinson Hall and will be of the same general construction.

Contributions towards the remaining $10,000 of the fund may be sent to the chairman of the committee in charge of the subscriptions, George B. Dorr, 18 Commonwealth avenue, Boston, or to the Treasurer of Harvard College, 50 State street, Boston.
