
Track Games Again Postponed.

The University track games, which were to have been held on Soldiers Field yesterday, have been postponed until after the recess, because of the continued rain. The games will probably he held on Thursday April 30. There will be no change in the order and the time of the various events.

Any men who so desire may try for the teams. The following men have already decided to enter the trials for the half-mile race: G. E. Behr 2G., K. E. Adams '03, J. W. Foster '03, W. G. Clerk '05, J. J. Moynahan '05, S. Curtis '05. If no other candidates appear for the one-mile race, the following men will be chosen: R. M. Walsh 2L., W. A. Colwell 2G., J. H. Stone '0, A. Dana '06.
