
Plans for Prize Shoot.

The annual handicap shoot of the Gun Club will be conducted on May 4, 7, 11 and 14. A hundred dollar Parker gun is offered as a prize and is to be finished as the winner desires. There will also be a cup for the man making the highest actual score. Each contestant will shoot four strings of thirty birds each, the sum of the best three to count. The handicaps will be added to the actual score, but in no case can any score amount to more than thirty. These handicaps will be fixed by a committee and will not be subject to change. The entrance fee will be $3, payable in advance. A tie will be shot off by one string of thirty birds with the handicaps added. Should these strings result in another tie, it must be decided by a miss-and-out shoot-off. All entries should be left before April 27 with F. Ingalls 104, Beck 45.
