
The Northfield Conference.

Plans have been made to send a large delegation from Harvard to the Northfield Student Conference, which will be held at East Northfield, Mass. this summer, between June 26 and July 5. Circulars have been printed describing the conference in detail, and may be obtained either at the office in the Union or at Phillips Brooks House.

The committees in charge of the Harvard delegation are as follows:

Executive committee--S. N. Hinckley '05, chairman; W. G. Baer '04, assistant chairman; A. W. Locke '05, treasurer; S. A. Greeley '03, O. G. Frantz '03, E. F. Mann '03, M. T. Lightner '03, W. G. Baer '04, J. P. Leake '04, W. H. Bradley '05, R. Oveson '05.

Sub-committee--F. W. C. Foster '03, C. W. Gilkey '03, T. Perry '03, F. H. Fobes '04, W. R. Bowie '04, S. Wilder '05, J. A. Powelson '05, W. C. Larned '05, T. G. Spencer '06, S. B. Booth '06.

The purpose of the conference is to bring together men from the different colleges, to discuss and formulate plans for the carrying on and improving of the religious and philanthropic work in the colleges. Meetings are held during the mornings, while the afternoons are given up to sports of different kinds. Last year there were present 673 students from 132 institutions, including 70 men from Harvard. It is hoped that this year the Harvard delegation will number at least 150 men.


Men desiring to go to Northfield should send their names and a registration fee of $5 to A. W. Locke, 7 Francis avenue, Cambridge. The registration fee is intended to cover the expenses of the conference. Any men who find themselves unable to go will have their money refunded if they notify A. W. Locke before June 23. It is hoped that a large number of men will register before May 10, in order that a desirable building may be obtained for the Harvard delegation.

Reduced rates have been secured, the round trip between Boston and Northfield being $3.62. The price for board and lodgings will be $12 for the ten days of the conference, payable on the grounds. Men not spending the whole time at the conference will be charged only for the time they attend.
