
Shooting Club Wins Match.

The Shooting Club defeated the Boston Gun Club yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field by the score of 152 to 146. Each man shot at 50 birds thrown at unknown angles from a magau trap.

The individual scores were as follows: HARVARD.    BOSTON. Du Pont,  35  Kirkwood,  35 Ingalls,  33  John,  34 Bancroft,  31  Hilliard,  29 Marsalis,  27  Hayward,  27 Colson,  26  Woodruff,  21   --    --   152    146

The Officers' Cup shoot was also finished yesterday, and was won by J. L. Stettinius '04, who made a total score of 138. This cup was offered by the Shooting Club to replace the Mallinckrodt cup which last year became the property of P. Bancroft '03.

The seven best scores out of twelve, with handicaps, were as follows:

J. L. Stettinius '04, 138; J. Hinckley '06, 135; E. B. Hayward '06, 134; J. W. Bell '06, 131; T. L. Marsalis '04, 124; P. Bancroft '03, 124; W. M. Wright '04, 121; F. W. Cloud '05, 120; L. W. Wright 2L., 118; F. Ingalls '04, 116; E. E. du Pont '03, 112.
