
Nine Class Crews Go Out.

Nine crews went out on the river yesterday afternoon, all of them starting from the University Boathouse where one of the permanent floats has been put in place. The other floats at the University Boathouse and at the Weld will be put out today and tomorrow, and the launch "John Harvard" will probably be put in commission early next week.

The crews which went out yesterday rowed as follows:

Newell Seniors--Stroke, Stevens; 7, Ayer; 6, Stone; 5, Haycock; 4, Wolcott; 3, Bowditch; 2, Ames; bow, James; cox., Boardman.

Weld, Seniors--Stroke, Roberts; 7, George; 6, Derby; 5, Bent; 4, Locke; 3, Ernst; 2, Thornton; bow, Dowse; cox., Kelley.

Newell Juniors--Stroke, Phillips; 7, Dunbar; 6, Foster; 5, Meier; 4, Davey; 3, Rainsford; 2, Hunt; bow, Welldon. Vail coached from the coxswain's seat.


Second Newell Juniors--Stroke, Hull; 7, Otis; 6, Durfee; 5, Donald; 4, Rivinus; 3, Bell; 2, Evans; bow, Hill; cox., Lewis.

Weld Sophomores--Stroke, Travis; 7, Lawson; 6, Joy; 5, Eayres; 4, Abbot; 3, Derby; 2, Crocker; bow, Johnson; cox., Chase.

First Newell Freshmen--Stroke, White; 7, Kellogg; 6, Guild; 5, Moller; 4, Whitman; 3, Flint, Clarke; 2, Sabine, Carr; bow, Switzer, Monroe. Vail coached from the coxswain's seat.

First Weld Freshmen--Stroke, Filley; 7, Gill; 6, Montgomery; 5, Hollings-worth; 4, Shepard; 3, Burchard; 2, Williams; bow, Hyde. Wray coached from the coxswain's seat.

Second Newell Freshmen--Stroke, Preston; 7, King; 6, Amory; 5, Barrows; 4, Moriarty; 3, Cabot; 2, Shurtleff; bow, Burr. Vail coached from the coxswain's seat.

Second Weld Freshmen -- Stroke, Soule; 7, Corlett; 6, Brown; 5, Sloan; 4, Wilcox; 3, Judd; 2, Morris; bow, MacIntyre; cox., Chase.
