The favorable weather conditions yesterday served to bring a number of crews out on the river. During the afternoon all the Weld upperclass crews and the Newell Seniors, as well as a crew picked from members of the first Weld Freshman squad, were sent out. As yet no definite plans appear to have been made for putting out the floats at the boathouses, in spite of the fact that their absence causes much inconvenience. It is probable, however, that at least one float will be placed in position at each of the boathouses by the first of next week and it will then be possible for all the Freshman crews to begin regular river work.
The orders of the first crews which rowed on the river yesterday were as follows:
Newell Seniors--Stroke. Stevens; 7, Ayer; 6, Stone; 5, Haycock; 4, Wolcott; 3, Bowditch; 2, Ames; bow, James. H. Bullard '02 coached from the coxswain's seat.
Weld Seniors--Stroke. Wolcott; 7, Hartwell, 6, Derby; 5, Bent; 4, Locke; 3, Ernst; 2; Roberts; bow, Dowse; cox., Hale.
Weld Juniors--Stroke. Dillingham; 7, Lloyd; 6, Jackson; 5, Blalkie; 4, Lindsley; 2, Minturn; 2, Sanger; bow, Fairchild; cox., Macomber.
Weld Sophomores--Stroke. Kernan; 7, Lawson; 6, Ober; 5, Ayres; 4, Abbot; 3, Davy; 2, Crocker; bow, Johnson, cox., Chase.
First Weld Freshmen--Stroke. Filley; 7, Gill, Shepard; 6, Montgomery, Williams; 5, Hollingsworth; 4, Pleasonton; 3, Barchard; 2, Clark; how, Hyde, Wray coached from the coxswain's seat.
The second Weld Junior crew also went out.
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