

University Team Finishes Last in Intercollegiate Tournament.

The intercollegiate fencing tournament, held at the New York Athletic Club on Friday and Saturday evenings, was won by the West Point team, made up of cadets Breckenridge, Honeycutt and Scott. Columbia won second place, and Harvard stood last, winning only twelve bouts out of a possible forty-five. Last year also West Point won the championship and Columbia finished second.

Clark, of Columbia, and Breckenridge, of West Point, tied for the individual honors, each winning thirteen bouts out of fifteen.

The bouts of the University team resulted as follows: H. St. Gaudens '03--won 5, lost 10; H. J. Elam 2L--won 5, lost 10; T. D. Roberts '03--won 2, lost 13.,

The total number of bouts won by each team out of a possible 45 were as follows: West Point, 35; Columbia, 31; Cornell, 22; Yale, 19; University of Pennsylvania, 16; Harvard, 12.
