Two teams from the Shooting Club on Saturday afternoon defeated the Birch-brook Gun Club and the Watertown Gun Club in matches held at Lyndhurst and Watertown. The score of the former match was 180 to 169, each man shooting at fifty birds thrown from a magan trap at unknown angles. The Watertown team withdrew before the match was over, the University team having secured a winning lead.
The individual scores of the men on the University teams were as follows: In the match against the Birch-brook Gun Club--T. L. Marsalis '04, 42; P. Bancroft '02, 40; E. E. du Pont '03, 38; E. B. Hayward '06, 34; J. Hinckley '06, 26.
In the match against the Watertown Gun Club--F. Ingalls '04, 44; H. P. Marshall '04, 34; I. L. Stettinius, Jr., '04, 30; W. M. Wright '04, 25; G. Brooks '05, 13.
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