The Pierian Sodality has filed with the Commissioner of Corporations of Massachusetts papers for the incorporation of the society. The object of incorporation is to facilitate the transaction of business in connection with the erection of a club house, with a large concert hall, which the society expects to build during the next College year on ground near the Union on which options are now held. A part of the necessary funds are now on hand and the remainder will be raised from the proceeds of concerts, loans, and contributions from former members of the society.
The officers for 1903-1904 have been elected as follows: President, N. B. Wales '05; vice-president, J. W. J. Marion '04; secretary, E. C. Stone '04; treasurer and manager, E. F. Johnson '05; librarian, C. H. Poor '05; conductor, A. S. Milinowski '04; chorister, E. S. Bacon 2M.
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