

American Universities Begin Cable Match at B. A. A. Today.

The fifth annual cable chess match between Oxford and Cambridge, and Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Princeton will be held today and tomorrow. The American team will play at the rooms of the Boston Athletic Association and will be composed of the following men: C. T. Rice 2G. (H.), J. F. Sawin (Y.), F. H. Sewall (C.), C. S. Richardson (P.), H. A. Keeler (C.), P. W. Bridgman '04 (H.). The place at which the English team will play, and the names of the men composing the team will be announced this morning.

The permanent trophy, a silver shield given by Mr. I. L. Rice, came into the possession of the American team last year. It is now at the Boston Athletic Association and will probably be put on exhibition in Cambridge within a few days. In 1899 and 1900, the English team won; in 1901 the match was a draw, and last year the American universities won by the score of 4 1-2 to 1 1-2 games.

The games will be played from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. and from 3 p. m. to 6.30 p. m. Twenty moves an hour, excluding time taken in transmission of moves, are required at each board. Any men wishing to see the match should obtain cards of admission from C. T. Rice or from the Boston Athletic Association.
