
Weld and Newell Rowing

Eleven crews went on the river Saturday, five from the Newell and six from the Weld. The Newell Freshmen were coached by Vail from a single; the Weld Freshmen were coached by Wray, for a time from the coxswain's seat and afterwards from a single. The first Weld Sophomores were coached by J. H. Perkins '98 from the "John Harvard; J. Lawrence '01 coached the Newell Seniors and J. F. Perkins 3L. the Newell Juniors, from the "Veritas," which has now been put in commission. The first Weld Sophomores, the first Newell Sophomores and the Newell Juniors rowed over the regular two-mile course. The orders of the Newell crews were as follows:

Seniors--Stroke, Stevens; 7, Ayer; 6, McGrew; 5, Haycock; 4, Stone, 3, James; 2, Wolcott; bow, Boardman; cox., Montgomery.

Juniors--Stroke, Phillips; 7, Dunbar; 6, Foster; 5, Meler; 4, Thanisch; 3, Rainsford; 2, Hunt; bow, Cruger; cox., Welldon.

Sophomores--Stroke, Tew; 7, Swaim; 6, Webster; 5, Locke; 4, Hall; 3, Moot; 2, Leaycraft; bow, Stockton; cox., Lewis.

First Freshmen--Stroke, Guild; 7, Kellogg; 6, White; 5, Moller; 4, Switzer; 3, Flint; 2, Sabine; bow, Monro; cox., Williams.


Second Freshmen--Stroke, Amory; 7, Barrows; 6, Merrill; 5, Clark; 4, Carr; 3, Cabot; 2, Hooper; bow, Chase; cox., Montgomery.

The orders of the Weld crews were as follows:

Seniors--Stroke, Wolcott; 7, Hartwell; 6, Derby; 5, Bent; 4, Greenough; 3, Ernst; 2, Roberts; bow, George; cox., Kelley.

Juniors--Stroke, Dillingham; 7, Lindsley; 6, Sanger; 5, Bleakie; 4, Lloyd; 3, Minturn; 2, Macomber; bow, De Rham; cox., Swan.

Sophomores--Stroke, Richmond; 7, Lamson; 6, Joy; 5, Abbot; 4, Deming; 3, Bowditch; 2, Ober; bow, Johnson; cox., Chase.

First Freshmen--Stroke, Filley; 7, Burchard; 6, Clark; 5, Hollingsworth; 4, Pleasanton; 3, Gill; 2, Shepard; bow, Hyde; cox., Chase.

Second Freshmen--Stroke, Soule; 7, Corlett; 6, Brown; 5, Williams; 4, Gibson; 3, Judd; 2, Wilcox; bow, MacIntyre; cox., Wray.

Third Freshmen--Stroke, Sloan; 7, Holland; 6, Burnett; 5, Upton; 4, Means; 3, Emmons; 2, Morris; bow, Plumb; cox., Wray.
