
University Calendar.

*Open to the public. **Open to the University

Monday, March 23.

President and Fellows of Harvard College. Meeting at No. 50 State St., Boston, 10.30 a. m.

Seminary of Economics. Movement of Real Estate Values in American Cities, Mr. Henry Whitmore, of Boston. University 23; 4.30 p. m.

**Zoological Club. The Comparative Morphology of the Blood Corpuscles of Vertebrates. I. Red Corpuscles. Mr. E. L. Walker. Short Papers. Room 1, Fourth floor, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 4.45 p. m.

Physical Colloquium. Lantern Slides of C. V. Boys's Photographs of Flying Bullets. Review of Scientific Periodicals. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25, 5 p. m.


*Harvard Anthropological Society. The Pimas of Arizona; the Results of an Ethnologic Investigation on the Gila River. (Illustrated by the Stereopticon.) Dr. Frank Russell. Fogg Lecture Room, 8 p. m.

Harvard-Yale Debate. Sanders Theatre, 8 p. m.
