
The Hasty Pudding Club Play.

The first performance of the Hasty Pudding Club play, "The Catnippers," will be given at the club house on Graduate Night, Saturday, April 11. The performances for undergraduates will take place on Monday and Tuesday evenings, April 13 and 14, and the public performances in Boston will be given at the Bijou Theatre, on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, April 15, 16 and 18. There will be no Friday evening performance this year, and no matinee. It has also been decided to give up the usual burlesque act, and to devote all efforts toward the production of the original plot.

Great attention has been paid to scenic effects. The costumes have been designed by D. D. L. McGrew '03 and executed by Ware of Salem, and a number of new and effective electrical devices have been introduced which will add much to the spectacular part of the performance. The staging of the play is, as usual, under the direction of James Gilbert, with R. W. Child '03 as undergraduate stage manager. To the ballets, under the charge of Miss Wyman of Boston, particular attention has been paid. The scenes, laid in India give a good opportunity for striking contrast in land-scape and architectural design, and the music, composed by F. M. Class '03, is in Keeping with the oriental background. J. H. Densmore '04 composed the two entre-acts.

The cast will be as follows: Maharajah of Kunda,  W. C. Clark '03 Rao of Matchoo,  R. Inglis '03 Gunga Ka, his son incognito at the court of the Maharajah,  H. L. Riker '03 Tel-As-Scope, court astrologer,  C. G. Loring '03 Vizier,  S. Waller '03 Bill Beladon, Boston fakir,  R. W. Child '03 Harry Hamemilis, Boston fakir,  G. O. Winston '04 Moni Ghon, Minister of Treasury,  J. C. Lord '03 Fewa Crops, Minister of Agriculture,  V. C. Mather '03 Creedan Bighat, Guardian of Temple,  A. S. Thurston '03 General Deva Stashion,  J. S. Seabury '04 Lao, Guardian of the Shrine,  R. W. Page '03 Mao, Guardian of the Shrine,  G. D. Boardman '03 Priest to Rav,  R. W. Ruhl, '03 To To, a herald,  R. W. Page '03 Unda, Princess of Kunda, Duenna,  W. S. Sugden '03
