The practice of the University baseball squad yesterday consisted mainly of a long scrub game between two picked teams, but there was no effort to make large scores. Furthermore, almost every man on the squad was tried in the game, so that no true comparison of the two teams could be made. The playing was lively throughout, and, with some exceptions, remarkably good for so early in the season. In the batting, especially, the men showed marked improvement, and were more or less successful in acquiring the form which the coaches have been teaching them. Moreover, both the out fielding and in fielding were for the most part fast and spirited, the throwing being generally well expected. Perhaps the most discouraging feature of the work was the base-running in which the most elementary points were repeatedly disregarded.
The Freshman practice included batting work at the nets, and a scrub game in which nearly the whole squad was tried out. The batting was very poor, which the fielding and base-running were marred by a general tendency of the men to become confused.
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