
Yale Debate Arrangements.

Arrangements have been practically completed for the debate with Yale which is to be held in Sanders Theatre next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Bliss Perry, editor of the Atlantic Monthly, has consented to preside. President H. S. Pritchett of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Provost C. C. Harrison of the University of Pennsylvania have been secured as two of the judges; the other is yet to be selected. While the judges are making their decision after the debate the glee club will sing.

During the past ten days the team has held several debates with the second team, and an effective case has been developed. While one or two more trials will be held the team will do no other hard work before the debate. The order of speakers will be F. B. Wagner 1L., first, I. Grossman 2L., second, and R. L. Lyman '03, third; in the rebuttal Wagner will speak first, Lyman second and Grossman last.

Most of the tickets for the debate have been sold, but some are yet to be obtained at 50 cents each at Thurston's and the Union.
