
Theological Conference in N. Y.

A conference primarily for college men intending to enter the ministry is being inaugurated this year at the Union Theological Seminary, New York City. Its purpose is to consider the work and opportunities of the ministry, and to present to those college men who are now deciding upon their life work definite and reliable information concerning the opportunities and work of the ministry in this country. It is not the intention of the Seminary to present the claims of any particular denomination.

The conference will be held on March 20-22, at the Union Theological Seminary, 700 Park avenue, New York City, beginning at 3 o'clock on March 20. All those attending the conference from out of town will be the guests of the students of the Seminary during their stay in the city, and Harvard graduates at the Seminary will be especially glad to welcome any men from the University.

Professor Peabody, President Butler of Columbia, and many of the most prominent ministers of the leading denominations will be present. Those desiring to attend will please send word as soon as possible to Rowland Haynes, 700 Park Avenue, New York City.
