
Track Team Plans.

The following provisional dates have been arranged this year for the track games: April 16, University games; May 8, class championship games; May 15, field day; May 23, dual meet with Yale at New Haven; May 29 and 30, intercollegiate championships at New York.

The most important change has been the substitution of a field day for the handicap games, which were held last year the latter part of April. Very few of the regular members of the track team were allowed to compete in those games and it has seemed best this year to abolish them entirely and substitute in their place a set of games open only to those who have never made the University track team. The number of events has not yet been decided. Such substitutions as a 50 yards dash and 45 yards low hurdles in place of the harder events will probably be made. In each event first place will count five points; second place, three; third place, two; fourth place, one. Cups or medals will be given to the four men winning the largest number of points.
