
The Bulletin.

The latest edition of the Bulletin deals chiefly with the question of abolishing football at Harvard. Professor Hollis's article in the Graduates' Magazine is printed in full, and an editorial and communication commenting upon it, are also appended. Although the Bulletin does not agree with Professor Hollis in giving up the Yale game, it believes that football has become abnormal and must be changed if it is to endure.

The communication besides advocating a continuance of the Yale game, quotes from a speech made by the president of the Yale Club of New York at the annual dinner of the New York Harvard Club on February 21, showing the friendly spirit felt by Yale men for Harvard. The following extract from this speech is noteworthy:

"We should always play our games together. We should run and row our races together, and when we don't I want to tell you confidentially that Yale is very unhappy."

Besides the general news of the University, the Bulletin contains long accounts of the annual dinners of the Rocky Mountain Harvard Club, and of the Fall River Harvard Club.
