
Lampoon Candidates.

The following 25 men handed in their names last night as writing and drawing candidates for the Lampoon: From the Sophomore class--A. Wellman, C. G. Benedict, T. P. Smith, W. Batchelder, R. C. Sturgis, Jr., A. C. Smidt, S. Hale, E. L. Smith, L. A. Cooper, R. Black, P. Muir, H. P. Pratt, and W. Manton; from the Freshman class--R. Wheelwright, R. R. Stanwood, C. T. Ryder, S. D. Preston, J. Hanlon, H. Peirce, C. Kempner, P. C. Ackerman, C. S. Lewis, Jr., C. W. Wickersham, T. S. Farrelly, and E. F. Barron.
