
Fact and Rumor.

Professor Peabody has consented to act as chaplain for the Senior class on Class Day.

The fourth year class in the Medical School has elected J. A. Homans '99, Marshal for Commencement Day.

The following Freshmen have been given their numerals for basketball, Ware, Gallagher, Grant, Soule, Quigley, Wright, Montgomery.

The University fencing team will meet the Massachusetts Institute of Technology team in the Technology gymnasium tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.

The St. Paul's School Club last night elected the following officers: President, A. Hollingsworth 1L.; vice-president, H. V. Blaxter '05; secretary, S. D. Preston '06.


The Class Day Committee has chosen designs for the Class Day tickets as follows: Yard, F. G. Hall '05; Memorial Hall, C. G. Loring '03; Statue, G. R. Ainsworth '03.

The musical clubs will give during the next month these three concerts: March 18, in Union Hall, Brookline, a concert by all the clubs; March 26, at the Architectural Club, Boston, the Glee and Mandolin Clubs; April 2, at Allston, the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.
