A meeting of the Athletic Committee was held in the Union last night, to hear the opinions of the football coaches on the present condition of football. Those present in addition to the Athletic Committee were W. H. Lewis L.'95, B. H. Dibblee '99, J. W. Farley '99 and C. B. Marshall '04, who stated it to be their opinion that football had been steadily improving and that injuries were becoming a decreasing factor in the game. The provisional agreement with Yale on uniform eligibility rules was taken up and discussed. It is hoped that the Committee at its next meeting on Friday afternoon will be in position to take definite action on the agreement. Certain points in regard to the rules are yet to be settled between the two universities, and if these have been agreed upon by Friday, the Athletic Committee can then definitely consider the agreement for its ratification. If it should be ratified by both the Harvard and Yale committees, the agreement will be made public and if passed upon favorably by the Yale mass-meeting it will then go into force.
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