
Class Debating Teams Chosen.

The final trials last evening for the selection of the Senior and Freshman teams to debate in the final round for the interclass championship resulted in the choice of the following men: Senior team--G. Bettman, C. W. Gilkey, G. W. Hinckley: Freshman team--H. A. Hirshberg, J. W. Plaisted, W. M. Shohl.

The men retained for the second Senior team were F. I. Haber, A. J. Hammerslough and W. C. Henry. The second Freshman team will be composed of G. W. Thayer, G. L. Ellsworth, A. E. Wood and N. Kelley.

The debate will be held on the evening of Friday, March 20. The Freshmen have chosen the negative side of the question submitted by the Seniors: "Resolved. That it is for the best interests of France to annex Morocco."
