
The Advocate.

The current number of the Advocate is of a quality suitable to revive discussion as to the wisdom of spreading broadcast in the name of the University experiments in English not at all representative of undergraduate ability. The leading editorial, on athleticism, would lag less lamely were there any evident need for its making or if it established its case and proved that undergraduate life would be better by loading the scholar and not the athlete with college honors.

It would be difficult even for the best disposed to offer a satisfactory excuse for the existence of several of the stories which follow the editorial. The editing of the material is careless and the material itself lacks substance. "A" Kink in Criticism," is an ill disguised attempt to present in novel form a plot long ago worn threadbare, although originally it had the merit of basis in fact. "Lost and Found" is deserving of praise for its clever structure; it is the only story in which the movement of the plot cannot be anticipated at the start. "Antonio's Visit" and "Johnny Dewdrop," are thrilling and well sustained, but far removed in atmosphere from academic life. "A Freshman Foozle," must have been written to publish the fact not generally known that Freshmen read one another's private letters. Unlike some of its companion stories, "When in Rome,--" is consistent in structure and has local color, but it is narration devoid of restraint and accordingly seems improbable.
