
Recent Yale News.

NEW HAVEN, February 14.--T. L. Shevlin, 1906, who played end on the football team last fall, has been appointed temporary captain of the freshman track team. The separation of the freshman from the regular track squad is an innovation which it is believed will allow more thorough coaching and better development of these candidates. About 125 men from the upper classes reported for the University team, and the addition of the freshman squad brings the total number of track candidates up to a little over 200.

A class in military drill has been organized from the upper classes and will practice at the Second Regiment Armory once a week. The work is under the supervision of Captain Samuel A. Smoke, U. S. A., who has been detailed to Yale by the United States Government.

The first trials for the debate with Harvard will be held Monday, February 16, and the final trials on Saturday, February 21. In the preliminary trials the men will be chosen as follows; from the academic department, six; from the Law School, five; from the Divinity School, three; from the Sheffield Scientific School, two.

The Dramatic Association will give Goldsmith's "The Good Natured Man" on Monday and Tuesday evenings, April 27 and 28. Rehearsals will begin in about three weeks and will be under the direction of Frank Lea Short, whose services as stage director have been secured again this year.

The university crew went out on the harbor for the first time on Thursday afternoon. They will continue to go out whenever the weather permits. The freshman crew squad has been reduced to four eights. The prospects seem better than usual this year for a very for a very fast crew.


Work on the new buildings presented to the Sheffield Scientific School is going forward steadily, and the buildings will be ready for occupation a year from next fail. It is expected that the dormitories will give more unity to that department, the students of which are now scattered in private houses.
