

Cercle Francais Lecture in Sanders at 4.30 on Parties in France.

M. Leopold Mabilleau will give his first lecture under the auspices of the Cercle Francais in Sanders Theatre at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon. The subject will be "Les partis politiques et leurs programmes. Vue d'ensemble." Admission will be only by ticket until 4.25; after that hour the public will be admitted.

The general subject of M. Mabilleau's lectures is "La Politique Francaise."

The dates and subjects of the remaining lectures are as follows:

February 12.--Le Parti conservateur et le clericalisme.

February 14.--Le liberalisme et l'opportunisme.


February 17.--Le Parti radical.

February 19.--Le Parti socialiste; ses principes et ses divisions.

February 21.--Le neo-socialisme de MM. Jaures et Millerand.

February 24.--Le ministere Waldeck-Rousseau.

February 26.--L'orientation actuelle de la politique francaise. Probabilities d'avenir.

M. Mabilleau is the official lecturer of the Federation de l'Alliance Francaise for 1903, and besides his lectures in Cambridge will deliver during his stay in this country about one hundred lectures under the auspices of various institutions.

M. Mabilleau has been for several years Director of the Muse Social and has given much attention to the study of social science. He is one of the greatest modern economists and owing to his close connection with the Administration in France, is particularly well qualified to speak on French politics.
