

Match at Ithaca February 26.--Progress and Plans of Fencers' Club.

Definite arrangements have been made for a University team to fence with Cornell at Ithaca on February 26. It is expected that a match will also be arranged with Columbia or West Point for the day following.

At present there are about seventy-five candidates out for the fencing team, and work has been going on regularly during the fall, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays under the direction of M. Pianelli, the instructor. The University and class captains have coached men who failed to secure appointments with M. Pianelli.

The class tournaments will take place in the evening of December 15, and the class captains have already picked the squads from which the class teams will be chosen. The squads and captains are as follows:

For 1904--A. Tyng, (captain), G. C. Dolley, S. W. Fenno, W. C. Keough, N. S. McKendrick, and R. Henshaw.

For 1905--MacLeod, (captain), R. E. Daniels, L. Sargent, L. W. Sumner, H. A. Hirsh, C. B. Keeler, and D. M. Wardner.


For 1906--J. R. Nichols, (captain), W. M. Wright, R. Merrill, L. F. Gilbert, E. D. King, and H. M. Paull.

For 1907--W. F. Low, (captain), C. E. Nichols, R. L. Bacon, J. C. White, W. Goodwin, and R. E. Gish.

From these squads, teams of three men each will be picked to fence for the class championship. The University squad will be made up at the end of December from men chosen from the class teams, and this squad will be given three appointments a week with M. Pianelli.
