The old University debating club, which acts now merely as an administrative body, will meet in the Union tomorrow afternoon at 4.30 o'clock, to consider important changes in its constitution and to consider the regulations for University debating. In view of the formation of the new University debating club, the name of the administrative body will be changed to the University debating committee, or some similar name, and the membership will doubtless be somewhat further restricted than at present. Permanent regulations for conducting the interclass debates will be determined upon. The question will also be brought up, whether in future all three members of the second team shall not rank equally as alternates. This is the present method at Princeton and Yale. Among other things, plans for the publication of a booklet giving the history of Harvard debating and describing its present system will be discussed. The committee will make preliminary preparations for the Princeton debate, and will consider a method for putting seats for the debate on sale in such a way that Harvard undergraduates may be given the preference.
Following is an announcement of the regular club debates for this month:
December 10--"Resolved, That State boards of arbitration with full powers of investigation should be established throughout the United States for the purpose of settling labor disputes." Affirmative: W. T. Foster 1G., G. W. Hinckley 1L, Negative: J. Daniels '04, F. B. Wagner 2L. Critic, Hon. Arthur P. Stone.
December 17--"Resolved, That Parliament should adopt the Chamberlain tariff policy." Affirmative: W. E. Meyer 3L., H. S. Deming '05; negative: W. O. Hubbard '05, M. M. Horblit '05. Critic, I. Grossman 3L.
December 18--Senior-Junior Interclass Debate. Question: "Resolved, That the following form of closure should be adopted by the Senate; (a) a motion shall be in order at any time, setting a time for voting on a bill, which motion shall be decided by two-thirds vote without debate; (b) the time for vote shall be extended if necessary, to allow every opponent of the bill so desiring to have one hour in which to state his objections to the bill." The teams will be: Seniors--F. W. Catlett, E. C. Johnson, D. A. McCabe, and J. Lebowich; Juniors--M. M. Horblit, I. I. Mattuck, H. O. Ruby. All the meetings will be held in the Assembly Room of the Union at 7.30 o'clock. Members of the club who are not members of the Union may receive admittance cards, on application to the secretary, W. H. Davis, Foxcroft House 5.
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