

The Fourteenth Annual Debate Will be Held at New Haven Tonight.

The fourteenth annual debate between Harvard and Yale will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in Woolsey Hall at New Haven. Of the previous debates, Harvard has won ten, and Yale three. The question for debate is as follows:

"Resolved, That the history of trade-unionism for the past twenty years shows a general tendency detrimental to the best interests of the country."

Yale selected the question, and Harvard chose to support the negative. The Harvard team, composed of E. M. Rabenold '04, M. E. Weldy 3L., and F. Q. Morton '06 will give their speeches in the order named. In the rebuttal the order will probably be M. E. Weldy 3L., F. Q. Morton '06, E. M. Rabenold '04. A. B. Weiler sL., is alternate for the Harvard team. For Yale the opening speeches will be given by M. L. Burton '06 T., R. S. Binkerd '04S., and C. S. Beede '06 L., in the order named, and in the rebuttal the order will be the same. The Yale alternates are W. M. Adriance 3G., A. P. McKinstry '05, and J. N. Pierce '05 T. The main speeches will be twelve minutes in length, and the rebuttal five. The judges will be: President W. H. P. Faunce, D.D., of Brown University, Mr. J. G. Milburn, president of the Pan-American Exposition, and General F. V. Greene. President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale will be the presiding officer.


Ellwood Milton Rabenold '04, prepared for College at the Reading (Pennsylvania) High School. In his Sophomore year he was a member of the class team which defeated the 1905 team in the interclass debate, and last year he was a member of the second team against Princeton and alternate on the team against Yale. He was also president of the Junior Wranglers and treasurer of the University Debating Club last year. He has held a scholarship every year during his College course, and he will receive a Detur this year. He is now vice-president of the University Debating Club. In the trials for the Yale debate this year he won the Coolidge prize.


Morton Eugene Weldy 3L., prepared for College at the New Sharon (Iowa) High School. He graduated from the University of Iowa in 1899, and was one of the commencement speakers of his class. While attending the University of Iowa, he won the Lowden prize in Greek, and second prize in the Pickard extempore debate. During his Senior year, he was editor-in-chief of the Vidette Reporter and president of the University of Iowa Y. M. C. A. He was also a member of the team which debated against the University of Wisconsin. He holds a scholarship in the Law School, and is a member of the Cooley Law Club and of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

Ferdinand Quintin Morton '06, graduated from the Washington (D. C.) High School in 1900 and from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1902. He was a member of the Exeter teams which debated against 1904 and 1905, and of the Freshman team which defeated Exeter last year. During his senior year at Exeter, he was secretary of the G. L. Soule Literary Society.

Albert Bertram Weiler sL., alternate, attended the Lowell High School, San Francisco, where he was one of the founders of the High School Debating League of California, and a member of the team which won the first series of debates of the League. At the University of California, where he graduated in 1903 with the highest honors in his class, he was a member of the intercollegiate debating team and of the Carnot debating team, both of which debated against Leland Sanford, Jr., University. He also won the Bonnheim ethical dissertation prize and first prize in the University of California literary competition. He was an editor of the Occident, and manager of the University of California orchestra. He is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society.


Marion LeRoy Burton '06 T.S., of Montevideo. Minn., received his preparatory training at the Minneapolis High School and Carleton Academy. He took a college course at Carleton College, graduating in 1900. During his course there he received three highest awards for scholarship, took first prize in the junior debate and was leader in the intercollegiate debate in his senior year. For the last three years he has been principal of the Windom Institute, the Congregational Academy of Minnesota. He is 29 years old.

Robert Studebaker Binkerd '04 S., of Brooklyn, N. Y., is 21 years old. He prepared at the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn. Last year he was business manager of the Yale Courant and a member of the university debating team against Princeton. He is now manager of the university basketball team, vice-president of the Yale University Athletic Association, and president of the Sheffield debating society.

Carroll Linwood Beedy '06 L.S., is a graduate of Lewiston High School, Lewiston Me., and was an interscholastic debater for that school. He had one year at Bowdoin, and finished his college course at Bates College. For three years he was a member of the Bates debating team, victorious in 1901 over Colby, in 1902 over the Harvard Seniors, and in 1903 over Princeton. He won the sophomore prize in declamation and also a prize for an original oration. In his junior year he was elected vice-president of the Piaeria Debating Society of Bates. In his senior year he was class orator and honor man in English, president of the Piaeria Society and of the Bates Debating League.

Arthur Packer McKinstry, '05, prepared at the Worcester High School. He was president of the Freshman Union, a member of the freshman debating team, three years ago, and in his sophomore year a member of the Wigwam. Last year he was on the victorious inter-department team and alternate on the university debating team against Harvard. He is vice-president of the Yale Union at present.

Walter M. Adriance of the Graduate School, prepared at the High School of Wyoming, Ohio. He graduated from Yale College in 1900. He was a member of the debating team against Princeton last year and an alternate for the Harvard Yale debate.

Jason Noble Pierce '05 T.S., is from Brockton, Mass. He graduated from Amherst College in 1902. While at Amherst be made the intercollegiate debating team, a team which was victorious over Bowdoin. He was a member of the Yale debating team against Princeton last year
