Wednesday, December 16.
Board of Overseers. Special Meeting at No. 50 State street, Boston, 11 A. M.
Mathematical Conference. The Southerly Deviation of a Falling Body; Mr. W. H. Roever. Sever 24, 4.30 P. M.
**Zoological Club. The Regeneration of Nerve: Mr. P. E. Sargent. Short Papers. Room 1, fourth floor, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 4.45 P. M.
Modern Language Conference. "Nova Solyma," a Romance attributed to Milton; Dr. W. A. Neilson. Assembly Room of Union, 8 P. M.
*Engineering Society. The Construction of the Harvard Stadium. (Illustrated by the Stereopticon.) Professor Johnson. Lecture Room, Pierce Hall, 8 P. M.
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Daily Weather Report in CrimsonBeginning with this morning's issue the CRIMSON will publish a weather forecast for Cambridge and the vicinity. A special arrangement
University Calendar.Wednesday, May 4. **ZOOLOGICAL CLUB. The Reactions of Stentor Coeruleus to Light. Mr. S. O. Mast.--Short Papers. Room 1, fourth
U. S. Weather Forecast.BOSTON, April 27.- Local forecast for New England, Tuesday: Fair weather, southerly winds.
Weather for Today and TomorrowForecast for Cambridge and vicinity.--Unsettled but probably fair and warmer today. Tomorrow fair and warmer. Moderate southerly winds, becoming westerly.
DR. LIMA ON LATIN AMERICADr. Manoel de Oliveira Lima, Minister Plenipotentiary of Brazil to Belgium, delivered an address in Emerson D last evening on