
1905 Wins Class Fencing.

At the interclass fencing tournament held last night in the Gymnasium, 1905 won the class championship. In the preliminary round of bouts, 1905 won from 1904 and 1906 from 1907; in the final round, 1905 defeated 1906 by seven bouts to two. Each man fought every man on the oposing team.

In the final round the scores were as follows:

1905--W. MacLeod, won 3; lost 0. L. Sargent, won 1; lost 2. R. E. Daniels, won 3; lost 0. 1906--J. R. Nichols, won 0; lost 3. R. Merrill, won 1; lost 2. W. Wright, won 1; lost 2.

The Juniors then fought a match with the Law School team, and were beaten five bouts to four.

After the tournament, the Junior, Sophomore and Freshman teams elected captains for next year, as follows: 1905--R. E. Daniels; 1906--W. M. Wright; 1907--W. F. Low, Jr.
