At the interclass fencing tournament held last night in the Gymnasium, 1905 won the class championship. In the preliminary round of bouts, 1905 won from 1904 and 1906 from 1907; in the final round, 1905 defeated 1906 by seven bouts to two. Each man fought every man on the oposing team.
In the final round the scores were as follows:
1905--W. MacLeod, won 3; lost 0. L. Sargent, won 1; lost 2. R. E. Daniels, won 3; lost 0. 1906--J. R. Nichols, won 0; lost 3. R. Merrill, won 1; lost 2. W. Wright, won 1; lost 2.
The Juniors then fought a match with the Law School team, and were beaten five bouts to four.
After the tournament, the Junior, Sophomore and Freshman teams elected captains for next year, as follows: 1905--R. E. Daniels; 1906--W. M. Wright; 1907--W. F. Low, Jr.
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