Before the elections of the Senior Class Day officers on Wednesday and Friday every man who casts a vote should think over intelligently the qualifications of the various nominees and bear in mind the nature of the duties they may be called upon to perform. The award of the offices represents a recognition not only of prominence and past achievements in the class and the University but also of the future worth and possibilities of the officers; there is a higher duty than to vote for one's personal friends, and that is to secure for the whole class leaders who really deserve the positions.
The new rule adopted by the class of 1904, by which one of the marshals shall preside at all future meetings, gives to the three marshalships even more importance than heretofore. The positions are no longer temporary: the holders will occupy positions of responsibility not only on Class Day, but also for many long years after graduation. For this reason even more than the usual care must be given to deciding the fitness of the nominees. Of like prominence and requiring more ability and hard work, the position of Secretary should be equally carefully considered.
In the speaking parts ability even more than reward must be taken into account, for it is by these parts in large measure that the class is judged by the outside world. The Poet reads a heroic part of considerable length, the Odist composes the words sung by the class to the air of "Fair Harvard" and the Orator and Ivy Orator deliver the respectively serious and witty parting words to their classmates. The position of Chorister, owing to the lightness of its duties, has become mainly honorary.
Of the four committees the Class Committee is by far the most important, as it is the only one which is permanent. With the Secretary it has practical charge of all future class business and has especial charge of the funds and of all future dinners and other reunions.
The members of the Class Committee should, then, be men who will always devote their best efforts to the interests of the class. The Class Day, Senior Spread and Photographic Committees end their work on Class Day, and call for men who have some business ability and conscientiousness. As all the graduation arrangements are in their hands, as well as the publication of the class album, much depends upon the fitness of the men elected, and especially upon the chairman of each committee.
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