
Gymnastic Team Plans.

A communication from Columbia has been received in regard to a projected dual gymnastic meet, proposing that the same be held in Cambridge on March 6. The matter is now in the hands of the Athletic Committee and as considerable interest in the work has been shown, it seems likely that permission for the meet will be granted. Plans are also being made for the gymnastic team to give an exhibition sometime in January.

About twelve men are now practicing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, under the direction of Mr. Dohs, and it is expected that as soon as the work takes more definite shape, more men will report regularly. At present the work is merely general, all the men being exercised on the parallel bars, the horizontal bar, the side-horse, and in tumbling. Some special work in tumbling and with Indian clubs is now being done, however, and all the men are expected to do regular special practice by themselves.
