

Lauf's "Pension Scholler" to be Given Next March.--The Provisional Cast.

The Deutscher Verein will give this year as its annual play "Pension Scholler," by Carl Laufs. Two performances will be given, one on March 18, at Brattle Hall, Cambridge, and one in Boston at a place and date to be announced later. Mr. August Vatter, of the Deutsche Theatre Gesellschaft, who has been coach for the past two years, has been re-engaged for the present production. Rehearsals for the play will begin on February 15, and will continue regularly until the performances.

"Pension Scholler," is a modern comedy, the aim of which is to satirize the levity and eccentricities of modern German life. There are a large number of character parts, and the mistakes caused by misunderstandings give rise to many exceedingly humorous situations.

The staging and costuming, which are very complete, will make this production more elaborate than those of former years.

The following provisional cast has been arranged: Philipp Klapproth,  W. E. Sachs '04 Ulrike Sprosser, his sister,  P. G. Henderson '05 Ida and Franziska, her daughters,  T. W. Knauth '07, F. H. Osgood '04 Alfred Klapproth,  C. Ehlermann, Jr., '05 Ernst Kissling, his friend,  F. W. Cloud '05 Fritz Bernhardy,  H. Hagedorn, Jr., '07 Josephine Kruger, authoress,  W. H. Chase '04 Scholler,  H. Henneberger '05 Amalie Pfeiffer, his sister-in-law,  O. K. Koechl '05 Friederike, her daughter,  N. Edwards '05 Eugen Rumpel,  G. W. Gribble '05 Grober a retired Major,  H. Bowditch '05 Jean, head waiter,  R. A. Miller '05 Waiters, Guests.

Synopsis of scenes:


Act 1. A. Berlin Cafe.

Act 2. Pension Scholler.

Act 3. Klapproth's home in a small town.

