Applications for the Nelson Robinson, Jr., Travelling Fellowship in architecture for 1904-05 must be filed with Professor J. H. Wright, chairman of the committee on Fellowships and other Aids for Graduate Students, before January 1, 1904. This fellowship with a stipend of one thousand dollars was established in 1902 from the income of the Nelson Robinson, Jr., Fund, and is to take the place of the Austin Fellowship in Architecture which has been withdrawn.
It is open to Bachelors of Science in Architecture of Harvard University, who have taken the degree with distinction or who have completed with distinction a year of graduate study in architecture at the University. The holder of the Fellowship must not be more than twenty-six years old at the time of his appointment.
The selection among those admitted to candidacy will be determined from the results of a competitive examination in the history of architecture and in design to be held in April. In the history of architecture each candidate will be examined on a special period chosen in advance by himself and submitted to the Professor of Architecture at least thirty days before the time set for the examination. In the examination in design, a problem will be proposed and the candidates will have eight hours for the preparation of preliminary sketches. These will be retained by the Department of Architecture for comparison with the final drawings. During this time the candidates will be under the supervision of an instructor of the Department. They will then be given three weeks in which to prepare final drawings, during which time they will have the free use of the facilities of the Department.
The candidate who receives the Fellowship will be required to spend at least one year in travel and study in Europe under the general direction of the Professor of Architecture. He will also be required to submit monthly reports of his progress and to send at the end of each half year a measured drawing of some monument of architecture to be approved by the Department.
The award will be made on the nomination of the Department of Architecture acting in co-operation with the architect members of the Committee on Fine Arts and Architecture appointed by the Overseers.
Weekly handicap track meets will be held at Cornell throughout the winter.
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