A fund was started in November of last year, by a committee of ladies interested in the University, to make annual provision for a band of twenty-five pieces which would "promote the dignity and beauty of public academic ceremonies and add to their charm and interest." There are likely to be about four occasions during the year when such music would be desirable, and to meet the necessary expenses of $180 for each occasion, the committee desired to raise a fund of $20,000. The work of collecting this amount was commenced with the approval of President Eliot, Major H. L. Higginson, and other leading graduates, and the money so far collected amounts to $1,143.
As the appeals of the committee have not met with the desired response, they have turned the money over to the Treasurer of Harvard College and have left the matter to be taken up by the graduates and undergraduates of the University. Contributions to the fund should be sent to the Treasurer of Harvard College, 50 State street, Boston.
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