At a meeting of the Athletic Committee held last night the following appointments were approved: J. Lowery '04 as manager of the hockey team, and C. Hutchins '05 as assistant manager; R. A. Wood 1G. and W. O. Dapping '05 as manager and assistant manager of the basketball team; L. W. Summer '04 and W. F. Low '07 as manager and assistant manager of the fencing team.
The hockey schedule, as follows, was approved: January 23, Harvard vs. Princeton; January 30, Harvard vs. Columbia; February 20, Harvard vs. Yale.
The following improvements for Soldiers Field, submitted by Professor Hollis, were approved: A new cricket crease is to be built on the field. Work on the new running track in the Stadium is to be pushed forward as well as it can be under the weather conditions. Arrangements for the new baseball diamond and stands are to be made as soon as possible and work on the stands is to be begun immediately, utilizing the steel frames of the old football stands.
The cricket team was granted permission to play three outside games next spring, and because, by a by-law of the Intercollegiate Cricket Association no gate receipts may be charged, the team was granted the usual money allowance.
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