The Religious Union will hold its first meeting of the year in Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7.30 o'clock. The meeting will be open to all men in the University. A short, important business session for members will be held just before 7.30 o'clock, after which Professor F. G. Peabody will address the meeting on the aims of the Union. The Union will carry on its work this year with the same purpose and upon the same plan as in the past. Its purpose is to quicken the religious life of the University upon its more thoughtful side, without entering into competition in the field of philanthropic work with the Christian Association, the St. Paul's Society and the other organizations active in that line. It aims to assist men in the solution of religious problems, and to this end arranges meetings at which addresses on religious or ethical subjects are given by prominent men. In the smaller meetings, which are more devotional in character, there is opportunity for discussion.
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