
Exeter, 14; Andover, 11.

In a clean, hard fought contest. Exeter defeated Andover at Exeter. Saturday by the score of 14 to 11, in the annual football game between the two academies. Unexpected speed, combined with superior weight and a heavy back-field, gave the Exeter eleven its victory. In the first half Exeter clearly out-played their opponents, but in the second half Andover gained 136 yards to Exeter's 98 and secured first down 21 to Exeter's 14 times. Both elevens relied for their gains on straight football. The feature of the game was a field-goal from the 35-yard line by Cummings of Andover. McCormick, fullback, proved Exeter's best ground gainer.

Exeter was the first to score, securing two points on a safety after but three minutes of play. Exeter scored another touchdown in the first half, making the score 8 to 0 when the half ended. In the second half, Andover and Exeter each scored a touchdown, and Andover scored five points on Cumming's goal.
