The Pennsylvania football season opened this year with a lack of veteran material, and at the present time the regular line-up contains but three of last year's eleven--Metzgar, end, McCabe, centre, and Piekarkski, guard. In spite of this lack of experienced players, however, the team has developed steadily, and, until the game with Columbia, in which the latter scored 18 points to Pennsylvania's 6, gave promise of becoming a championship team. In the early part of the season Pennsylvania defeated a number of the smaller teams by large scores and on October 17 won from Brown by a score 30 to 0. In the Columbia game the team seemed unable to circle their opponents' ends, and relied simply upon straight plunges through the line to gain distance. The play was also characterized by serious fumbling. The score of the Columbia game does not, however, show any irremediable weakness on Pennsylvania's part, for since that time, as before, the team has been playing fast, aggressive football. From tackle to tackle the Pennsylvania team is strong and heavy, averaging between 190 and 195 pounds. The ends and backs are comparatively light, but are swift on the offensive and reliable for defense.
In Captain Metzgar Pennsylvania has a right end of exceptional ability, who may be depended upon to play a satisfactory game. In the Columbia game he was swift and quick on the defense and in following the ball and his tackling was sure. McCabe at centre, is one of the best line men on the team and is a first-class all-around player. Piekarkski, who is playing guard, has a three years' experience behind him and is a thoroughly reliable man in his position. Of the other players Smith, fullback, is most prominent. He is reliable in lineplunging and is also a good punter.
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