
University Debating Club Organized.

The new University Debating Club last evening adopted a constitution which provides for weekly debates conducted under a system similar to that used in English 30. There will be two principal disputants on each side with speeches of 10 and 12 minutes respectively. The five minute rebuttal speeches will be made at the close of the speaking from the floor.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing half year: president, W. T. Foster 1G.; vice-president, E. M. Rabenold '04; secretary, W. H. Davis '05; treasurer, R. T. Potts '05; fifth member of the executive committee, G. W. Hinckley 1L.

The next meeting of the Club will be held Friday, November 13, at a place to be announced later. A regular debate will be held on the question: "Resolved, That the return of Tammany to power is for the best interests of New York City." J. W. Cattlet '04 and C. T. Smith 3L. will support the affirmative, and W. O. Hubbard '05 and M. F. Perkins '04, the negative.
